close up of a yellow school bus

School Bus Safety Tips For Children Returning to School

As the new school year begins, ensuring the safety of children during their daily commute on school buses is of utmost importance. School buses are generally safe, but parents and students need to understand and implement rules, helping to create a secure environment for young learners. From waiting at the bus stop to riding and exiting the bus, these guidelines can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. By fostering a culture of safety and awareness, we can ensure that children have a safe and enjoyable journey to and from school each day. The following tips are helpful for parents and children to follow:

1) Getting to the Bus Stop

  • Arrive Early: Children should arrive at the bus stop five minutes before the scheduled arrival time, which reduces the risk of rushing and subsequent accidents.
  • Stay on the Sidewalk: Children should stay on the sidewalk or at a safe distance from the road while waiting. They should avoid playing or running around the bus stop.
  • Wait in Groups: If possible, children should wait in groups at the bus stop. There’s safety in numbers, which also helps ensure they are more visible to drivers.

2) Boarding the Bus

  • Wait for the Bus to Stop Completely: Children should wait until the bus has come to a complete stop and the driver has opened the door before approaching the bus.
  • Use Handrails: When boarding the bus, children should use the handrails to avoid tripping or falling.
  • No Pushing or Shoving: Children should board the bus in an orderly manner without pushing or shoving.

3) Riding the Bus

  • Find a Seat Quickly: Upon entering the bus, children should find a seat quickly and sit facing forward. If seat belts are available, they should be used.
  • Stay Seated: Children should remain seated while the bus is in motion. Moving around the bus can be dangerous.
  • Keep Aisles Clear: To prevent tripping hazards, backpacks, books, and other items should be kept out of the aisles.
  • Respect the Driver: Children should listen to and follow the bus driver’s instructions. The driver’s primary responsibility is to ensure the safety of all passengers.

4) Getting Off the Bus

  • Wait for the Bus to Stop Completely: Children should wait until the bus has come to a complete stop and the driver signals that it’s safe to get off.
  • Use Handrails: When exiting the bus, children should use the handrails to avoid tripping or falling.
  • Move Away from the Bus: After getting off, children should move away from the bus to a safe distance. If they need to cross the street, they should walk several feet in front of the bus until they can see the driver and ensure the driver can see them.

5) Crossing the Street

  • Wait for the Driver’s Signal: Children should always wait for the bus driver to signal that crossing the street is safe.
  • Look Both Ways: Even after the driver’s signal, children should look both ways before crossing to ensure no oncoming vehicles.
  • Cross Safely: Children should cross the street directly in front of the bus and never behind it. They should walk, not run, across the street.

6) General Safety Tips

  • Be Visible: Children should wear bright or reflective clothing if waiting for the bus in low-light conditions.
  • Know the Emergency Exits: Children should be familiar with the bus’s emergency exits and know how to use them in an emergency.
  • Report Unsafe Behavior: Children should report bullying or unsafe behavior to the bus driver or school authorities.

7) Additional Tips for Parents and Guardians

  • Teach and Reinforce Safety Rules: Parents should teach their children the bus safety rules and reinforce them regularly.
  • Set a Good Example: Parents should model good behavior by practicing safety rules and staying calm and organized during drop-off and pick-up times.
  • Communicate with the School: Parents should communicate with the school about any concerns regarding bus safety and stay informed about bus schedules and policies.


By following these bus safety tips, children can have a safer journey to and from school. Parents, children, and school authorities must work together to ensure the safety of all students. Reinforcement of these practices will help create a secure and worry-free commuting environment for children.